A logo and a website for Lara Roxx

It was back in 2008, that I was approached by a friend to make a logo and a webpage for a girl with AIDS, who wants to create a foundation. Since it was a non-profit project, that could potentially help many people, I accepted it. The name of the foundation was the Lara Roxx Foundation with the mission to spread awareness and provide proper care to people living with HIV/ AIDS.

Here are a few lines about her I reproduce from the original website:

In March of 2004 Lara Roxx took a plane to Los Angeles leaving her native Montreal in search of a quick fortune in the Adult Entertainment’s land of opportunity known on the map as San Fernando Valley.

Her plan was simple. She would first meet her agent and then embark on a busy work schedule. The more scenes, the more money, and in L.A a young woman could perform several scenes a day and easily earn as much as $10,000 to $15,000 a week depending on how open minded she was in terms of her physical boundaries.

Eager to get to work Lara Roxx performed her first scene within 24 hours of landing on American soil. What was meant to be the first of many lucrative scenes was destined to end her career before it ever got off the ground.

Here is the logo I did:


and a screenshot of the page I designed:

Website designed for the Lara Roxx Foundation

Fast-forward to 2011, this week I overheard a dialogue about a girl invited to Tout le monde en parle at Radio Canada, the most popular talk-show in the Francophone Canada. I asked them if it was Lara, and to my surprise I learned that there is a documentary film about her life, that just came out.  I hope the experience of participating in this documentary project helped her get back the joy of life and hope for a better future.

Here is a short trailer of Inside Lara Roxx, a documentary directed by Mia Donovan

Why not to use Flash for your portfolio

Do you remember the day when it was cool to have a Flash intro on your home page? All the creative people were trying to outdo each other and to come up with more and more complex animations, spiced up with sound effects and music that would enforce the visitors impression about the owner’s good taste.

I can see you’re nodding… Those were the days…

But than, people started complaining about the background music, and would find it too intrusive. Music got muted by default and sound effects slowly, but steadily disappeared as an accessory for web design. It didn’t took too long to realize, except all the self-absorbed “geniuses” and misguided clients, that Flash intros are a huge waste of time, they are not accessible and have zero SEO value, not to mention the high bounce rates.


The other day I clicked a link shared by a friend on Facebook, it was the portfolio of a photographer with a series of images shot in India. It was done with Flash, the fancy way, I could click back and forth, there was even a full screen mode or I could just sit back and let the slideshow play. I did not had a lot of time, I wanted to quickly go trough the images, but I couldn’t. The pictures would appear one after another, with a loading counter between them, but what I wanted to have a general view and not to be forced to wait.

Today there are less and less devices that play Flash, even Adobe stopped developing the mobile version, so why put your eggs in a basket that is sinking?

Raj and Niru

It was about this time two years ago, that I was invited to the wedding of my best friend, Raj, and he also trusted me to take pictures during the ceremony.

As a photographer weddings always make me nervous, because the pressure to have great result is huge. There is no going back, it’s a unique event for the groom and maid and their whole family. Raj told me not to worry and to be as creative as I want, because there were two more photographers hired to document the event.

It was the first time I witnessed a Hindu wedding, so to make sure I’m familiar with the ceremony, beforehand I watched a couple of time the video recording of another Tamil wedding.

I decided to go for a more journalistic approach and to focus more on the small details, those that are usually the first to fade from the memory.

Here is a small sample of some of the pictures I took that day: